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CLC World Missions Prayer List – October 2023
...pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified...

2 Thessalonians 3:1


Myanmar (Southeast Asia) – A recent email was received from Pastor Thang letting us know that Pastor Kham was injured by bomb shrapnel from an early morning attack near the CLC-Myanmar
headquarters and orphanage. He was treated for head and shoulder injuries and is expected to be released soon. There was also an incident with Pastor Kham's wife, Huai. As military forces stopped and interrogated her as she returned from the market, they searched her phone. They found chats and memes critical of the Junta. She was arrested and spent a few days in jail while Pastors Thang and Kham went to friends and relatives to borrow money for her release. She is safely home now, but they now have approx. $1000 in debt. Thank the Lord for sparing the life of our brother in Christ, and ask for strength and courage as he heals. Pray for strength and courage for Haui as she deals with the emotional and physical trauma of her arrest. Pray for the children Pastor Kham and Haui care for as they live in constant fear of military attack and now also the fear of losing those who love and care for them. Continue to Pray for justice and peace for all the people of Myanmar. Pray especially for our brothers and sisters in Christ that our Savior will give them strength, comfort, courage, and boldness during these difficult times and that He will provide for all their needs. Thank the Lord for moving the hearts of His children to give generously to the needs of others through their offerings and prayers.
Kate Sauers (USA) – Kate is the wife of Board of Missions member Pastor Rob Sauers. She was diagnosed with ALK-positive large-cell lymphoma cancer this past week. She is scheduled to begin chemotherapy on Monday, Oct. 2nd. Kate and Pastor Sauers have three small children. Please pray that our Lord will give wisdom to her doctors as they treat her cancer. Ask the Lord to bless those treatments and grant complete and quick healing. Pray for courage, comfort, hope, strength, and trust in our Savior's love and plans for their family.
Zambia (East Africa) – Pastor Ibrahim was bitten on the leg by a scorpion while traveling to his native Tanzania a few weeks ago. He became very ill and has received treatment for several weeks in the hospital. For the past year, pastors from other churches in Zambia have been causing problems for Pastor Ibrahim and have involved the Zambian immigration department, accusing him of living and working illegally in Zambia. His trip to Tanzania was to get the appropriate paperwork from the government to allow him to apply for a permanent worker visa. Pray for continued healing and a full recovery. Ask for the Lord's blessings on Ibrahim's immigration issues and that He would turn the hearts of those trying to harm Ibrahim away from jealousy to repentance and love.
The Philippines (Southeast Asia) – Pastor Andrew Schaller (CLC Bd of Doctrine Secretary) continues the colloquy with Pastor Jordan Palangyos and the Lutheran Autonomous Mission in the Philippines (LAMP) via email correspondence. Pray that the Lord will bless the colloquy and that this will lead to a God-pleasing unity of faith and teaching. Ask the Lord to provide opportunities and all that is necessary for Pastor Jordan to continue to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ!
Pakistan – Pastor Tim Daub continues to teach online video Bible lessons to two groups of Christians who are eager to start a Lutheran church in Pakistan. The Board of Missions has authorized Missionary Ohlmann to accompany Pastor Daub on a visit to Pakistan in 2024. With the upcoming elections in Pakistan and due to safety concerns surrounding it, there is some uncertainty about when this trip will occur. Pray that the Lord will continue to bless the teaching and learning of His word. Thank our Savior for this opportunity and the technology to proclaim the truth of His word in such a way.
Bangladesh (Southeast Asia) – Many Bangladesh Lutheran Church Mission (BLCM) members are newly
converted to Christianity from Islam or Hinduism. Since Pastor Monotosh is the only thoroughly trained and
ordained pastor of the BLCM, he stays very busy traveling throughout the thirteen congregations he has started to provide ongoing Bible training to the members, lay leaders, evangelists, and pastors in training. Ask our Savior to continue to bless both the preaching and learning of God's word in Bangladesh and to provide all that is necessary for the ministry of the BLCM.
Nepal (Southeast Asia) – Pastor Raju and his father plan to begin outreach efforts in some of Nepal's far-flung and mostly unreached regions in the coming months. Partial funding for this effort has been approved by the CLC Board of Missions through an MDF grant when funds are available. Pray for the Lord's blessings on these 2 efforts and that His word will accomplish that for which it is sent that many will be led by the Spirit to repent and trust in their Savior Jesus.
Mission Development Fund – CLC president Mike Wilke writes: "When the convention approved the calling of our third foreign missionary, it determined that the funding of that missionary would come fully from the MDF for the first year. The cost of funding that missionary is about $80,000 and has impacted other planned MDF projects. Currently, the balance of the MDF is enough to cover the cost of our third foreign missionary for the rest of this fiscal year and a few other essential projects, but without additional funds, we will not be able to fund other planned projects. We have already put a hold on all other projects, including funding Bibles and other Christian literature, church-building assistance, and many planned outreach projects. Pray that the members of the CLC will remember this work in their prayers and their offerings so that we might continue to carry out the work the LORD has set before us and which we have decided to do as a church body."
Missionary Bruce Naumann (Tanzania-East Africa) – Missionary Naumann, along with his wife Paula, arrived in Tanzania about five weeks ago after his furlough in the U.S. The new semester at the Wittenberg Lutheran
Theological Seminary began shortly after his arrival. In addition to his teaching responsibilities at the seminary, he will also begin taking a more active role in correspondence and training pastors in Kenya and Uganda. You can keep updated on things happening in Tanzania at Ask for the Lord's blessings as Missionary Naumann and Paula continue to adjust to life in Africa. Pray for our Savior's abundant blessings on the work of training pastors, teachers, and leaders in Tanzania.
Missionary Peter Evensen (Togo-West Africa) – Missionary Evensen is in Togo, where he continues his work of translating lessons from English to French for use in the local seminary and for other French-speaking seminaries in Africa. He also teaches two days weekly at the CLC-affiliated seminary north of Lomé. Pray for our Savior's blessings on his work of helping to train faithful preachers, teachers, and leaders for the Gospel work in Togo and other French-speaking African nations.
Missionary Ohlmann – Due to various issues and the current political climate in Nigeria, Missionary Ohlmann's visit to Africa this fall has been postponed to early 2024. Instead, he will travel to Japan, Bangladesh, and Nepal in the last few months of 2023. In Japan, he will meet with the current pastor, who serves the congregation once in fellowship with the CLC. He will spend approx. three weeks in both Bangladesh, visiting congregations and preaching stations and conducting a five-day Pastoral Training Seminar. In Nepal, he will visit new outreach areas in western provinces, conduct a Pastoral Training seminar, and attend the Himalayan Bible Institute graduation. Pray for all that is necessary for these trips to be planned and take place. Ask the Lord to keep his wife Beth and their family safe while he is away. Pray for the Lord's love, wisdom, patience, and zeal during these visits that His name be glorified as the truth of His saving word is proclaimed and pastors are trained. You can read his blog at:
Ongoing Opportunities – please continue to pray for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, who, by God's grace, are dedicated to proclaiming the truths of God's saving word for the salvation of souls as they trust the promise of our Savior that His Word will not return to Him void but will accomplish that for which He sent it.

That Your way may be known on earth,
Your salvation among all nations. Psalm 67:2

Lutheran Church

Pastor Paul Krause

(605) 886-2976

1800 E Kemp Ave

Watertown, SD 57201

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